Tuesday, 13 October 2009

Week 2..

During week 2 we made mood boards in class and on photoshop afterwards. I enjoyed choosing colours and pictures and organising where they went on my military mood board. I thought it was ok but could have been better and i could make it better by being more prepared and having more materials to decorate it. I liked doing the photoshop mood board aswell but i need to learn and get the hang of how to use all the techniques so i can use them properly!
We used illustrator on Weds.. I wasn't that great at it! I get muddled up between that and photoshop.. but guess i just have to get used to that too.
On Thursday we made bodices out of calico and used them to make paper patterns.. we ran out of time at the end of the day so was in a mad rush to get it done which made me go wrong.. I just have to finish it in my own time now so I found it a bit frustrating as im not totally sure what im doing yet but the booklet helped a bit.. just not totally done with it..
However i liked learning the proper way to put it all together and make it the professional way. I really like the design side of fashion and decoration.. so when it comes to the construction and putting things actually together i tend to.. rush/ not do it properly and things end up kinda breaking! So think its good for me to learn the importance of it and learning how to make sure it doesss NOT fall apart. ha.

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